Access Statement

This Statement describes the facilities and procedures employed at Tre-Ysgawen Hall Hotel. We consider that we are sensitive to individual needs and will help in whatever way we can. Please ask for further information as we are aware that every person has different needs and requirements. Only you are able to decide to what extent we are able to accommodate your own specific needs, so we are happy to answer any queries that you may have.

Accessibility to Main Hotel

  • The Main Building for access to main Reception is approached up four wide shallow depth stone steps (each 15cm in height): there are no hand rails provided.
  • An alternative route is the gentle permanent sloping entrance at Spa Reception, a member of staff can then escort guests through the hotel to the Main Reception.
  • The ground surface of the Car Park is gravel, however the entrance to the Spa has paving slabs that lead in through double doors
  • An area/ space for disabled parking is clearly marked to the left of the Spa entrance door
  • Tre-Ysgawen Hall staff are more than happy to provide assistance for wheelchair users until the accessibility is improved.
  • Public Transport provision to Tre-Ysgawen is limited, however there are numerous taxi services within the local area that provide a reliable service.

Accessibility within Main Hotel

  • The main building includes the lounge, bar, main restaurant and majority of the accommodation.
  • Carpets throughout the Hotel are low pile.
  • The ground floor is level throughout, but there are two steps up onto the main floor of the Conservatory, however a suitable ramp is provided.
  • There are toilets located near the main Hall, currently these toilets have not been modified for people with disabilities and are of standard width in both Male and Female.
  • Mobile phones work in the area, however reception can be patchy and there is very different coverage for each network. Also, signal strength does vary and a good signal can sometimes be obtained but this cannot be guaranteed.


  • Floors and rooms are clearly signed throughout the Hotel, and bedroom numbers on the doors are raised.
  • We have eight ground floor rooms, which are located either in the new Spa extension or in the Main House, these rooms include Single, Twin or Double.
  • We also have four rooms with interconnecting doors into the adjacent bedroom.
  • A plan of individual rooms with measurements is available on request.
  • All bedrooms are en-suite, however there is no provision of grab rails at this time


  • Large print menu available on request
  • Although we have dining tables of different heights, we suggest that you advise us of any specific requirements.
  • Animals are not normally permitted in the Restaurant and Coffee Shop/Wine Bar during business hours except for guide dogs, which are of course welcome.

Emergency Actions

  • Each floor is provided with an audible fire alarm.
  • The owners and staff of Tre-Ysgawen Hall have a responsibility to ensure that all guests are evacuated in the event of a fire or any other emergency requiring evacuation.
  • Emergency lighting is fitted throughout the Hotel.